At this time, we do not have puppies.
If a puppy is not what you are searching for, please visit our availability
We may have something available.
contact us for details.
Conscientious Breeders
It is my opinion, that the
true distinction between conscientious hobby breeders and puppy
mills is the motivation for breeding. Conscientious breeders are
breeding to a breed standard to produce desired qualities
(structure, temperament, health, breed type, functionality to do the
job for which the breed was intended). Often conscientious breeders
are investing tremendous amounts of time, money, and effort in their
dogs. Costs include earning titles (in the conformation, obedience,
field or other events) where their dog's structure and abilities are
evaluated by judges; health screening tests; routine veterinary
care; stud fees and related breeding costs. Conscientious breeders
may break even on a litter or lose money on a litter. The main
objective and reward for conscientious breeders is to have their
choice of puppies that possess the attributes one hoped to get from
the breeding.
Please keep in mind that puppies are not for everyone. If
you wouldn't mind missing several months of housebreaking, chewing,
leash training, etc., then an adult is ideal for you. Adults are
also great for children wanting to become active in Obedience,
Agility, Junior Showmanship or 4H.
Please visit our Availability page or contact me.
Before purchasing any breed, please make sure to do your
"homework". Research the breed very carefully because
buying a dog is a lifetime commitment, not a passing fancy. The following link will
give you some 'food for thought' when you're looking to purchase a
The Right Dog For You.
Also keep in mind that puppies are a lot
of work, very time consuming and aren't for everyone (even though they're cute as can
be). Often times, adults are a far better match for one's
lifestyle. Ask the breeder if they might have something mature
for you or contact the
English Cocker Club of America's
rescue volunteer in your state or region.
If you are contemplating the purchase of that adorable puppy you've
just seen at your local pet store, think twice. Read the
following article in order to make a well educated decision.
Pet Stores